TABLE 2. Selected OSH Assessment and Training Tools for HHC.
Source | Content |
Household safety checklist by Dr. Gershona | A checklist illustrating 50 items to assess hazardous conditions and safety risks in the home |
NIOSH Hazard Review: Occupational Hazards in Home Healthcareb | Review of safety and health risks in HHC and recommendations for prevention strategies to eliminate injuries and illnesses. Provides checklists for both employers and workers. Accessible at |
Massachusetts Personal and Home Care Aide State Training program online trainingc | Online training curriculum includes:
Accessible at |
Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others by NIOSHd | Available in handbook and 7-module training curriculum including trainer's guide, presentations, and participant handouts. Accessible at |
Abbreviations: HHC, home health care; NIOSH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; OSH, occupational safety and health.
aSee Gershon et al.9
bRefer to NIOSH Hazard Review: Occupational Hazards in Home Healthcare (no. 2010-125).22
cRefer to Massachusetts Personal and Home Care Aide State Training (PHCAST) program.28
dSee National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) publication no. 2015-103.29