Figure 6.
GLR3.3 and GLR3.6 Are Required for [Ca2+]cyt Elevations Elicited around Aphid-Feeding Sites.
(A) Left: Normalized fluorescence (∆F/F) around feeding sites of 35S:GCaMP3 aphid-exposed leaves and no-aphid controls. Error bars represent se of the mean (n = 34). Gray shading indicates significant difference between treatments (Student’s t test within GLM at P < 0.05). Right: Representative stereomicroscope image of the [Ca2+]cyt elevations seen around an aphid-feeding site of a 35S:GCaMP3 leaf. GFP fluorescence is color-coded according to the inset scale. Aphid outlined in yellow and feeding site indicated with an arrowhead. Image taken at 3 min after settling.
(B) Left: ∆F/F around feeding sites of 35S:GCaMP3 × glr3.3 glr3.6 aphid-exposed leaves and no-aphid controls. Error bars represent se of the mean (n = 37). Right: Representative stereomicroscope image of the absence [Ca2+]cyt elevation around an aphid-feeding site of a 35S:GCaMP3 × glr3.3 3.6 leaf. GFP fluorescence is color-coded according to the inset scale. Aphid outlined in yellow and feeding site indicated with an arrowhead. Image taken at 3 min after settling.
(C) Comparison of ∆F/F around feeding sites of aphid-exposed 35S:GCaMP3 and 35S:GCaMP3 × glr3.3 glr3.6 leaves. Data of aphid exposures shown in (A) and (B) were replotted together. Areas shaded in gray indicate significant differences between the two treatments (Student’s t test within GLM at P < 0.05).