Fig. S3.
Model 1 for the joint feeding of 3% acetic acid and sodium acetate based on off-line measurements. Variables used: FA1, acetic acid feed rate (mL/h); FA2, sodium acetate feed rate (mL/h); FP, permeate flowrate (mL/h); [H+]1, proton concentration in the 3% acetic acid feed (measured by pH); k1, coefficient obtained from regression; OD, optical density measured at 600 nm; QA, molar amount of acetate consumption (mmol); SA, acetate concentration in the reactor (mol/L); SA1, acetic acid feed concentration (0.5 mol/L); SA2, sodium acetate feed concentration (0.5 mol/L); SP, average acetate concentration in the permeate (mol/L); t, discrete time points of sampling; μ, specific growth rate (h−1); V, working volume (mL); VP, permeate volume (mL). For additional details, see Notes for Model 1.