Fig. 3.
Relative growth (0 to 1 scale) values on MEA, OA and PDA of Phyllosticta species collected in this study as influenced by incubation temperatures of 9–39 °C as fitted to a BETE function [Y = (a × ((X − Tmin)/(Tmax − Tminx)) ˆ b × (1−((X − Tmin)/(Tmax − Tminx)) ˆ c] with parameter values of a, Tmin, Tmax, b, c, and goodness of fit for P. capitalensis (8.942, 9.357, 33.261, 2.988, 0.665, R2 = 0.835), P. paracapitalensis (9.715, 11.820, 33.310, 3.551, 0.408, R2 = 0.806), P. citricarpa (6.932, 12.541, 33.962, 2.179, 0.749, R2 = 0.866) and P. paracitricarpa (6.281, 10.687, 33.247, 2.283, 0.471, R2 = 0.873).