Table 1. Landscape variables.
Data obtained from the National Fish Habitat Partnership (version 2015) | |
Data Type | Data description |
*Catchment slope | Mean catchment slope (degrees) |
*Catchment elevation | Mean catchment elevation (m) |
*Groundwater index | Percent groundwater contribution to stream baseflow |
*Precipitation | Mean annual precipitation (mm) |
*Air temperature | Mean annual air temperature (Co) |
*Habitat Condition Index | Index scoring the risk of habitat degradation for fish (scored as 0–5, with 0 representing very low risk of habitat degradation/very high fish habitat and 5 representing very high risk of habitat degradation/very poor fish habitat) |
Population density | Census 2000 average population per catchment density (average population count/km2) |
Road crossings | Road crossing density in the catchment (#/km2) |
Toxic Release sites | Toxic Release Inventory (EPA) sites in the catchment (#/km2) |
Superfund sites | EPA Superfund National Priority in the catchment (#/km2) |
NPDES sites | National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System sites in the catchment (#/km2) |
Water withdrawal | Total annual water withdrawal (million gallons per year–MGY) |
Agriculture water withdrawal | Annual agriculture water withdrawal (MGY) |
Domestic water withdrawal | Annual domestic water withdrawal (MGY) |
Industrial water withdrawal | Annual industrial water withdrawal (MGY) |
Thermoelectric water withdrawal | Annual thermoelectric water withdrawal (MGY) |
Elevation at dam location | Elevation above sea level at the base of the dam location (m) |
Data obtained from the National Land Cover Database (version 2006) | |
Data Type | Data description |
Open water | Percent of catchment |
Perennial snow/ice | Percent of catchment |
Developed open space | Percent of catchment |
Developed low intensity | Percent of catchment |
Developed medium intensity | Percent of catchment |
Developed high intensity | Percent of catchment |
Barren land | Percent of catchment |
Deciduous forest | Percent of catchment |
Evergreen forest | Percent of catchment |
Mixed forest | Percent of catchment |
Shrub/Scrub | Percent of catchment |
Grassland/Herbaceous plants | Percent of catchment |
Pasture/Hay | Percent of catchment |
Cultivated crops | Percent of catchment |
Woody wetlands | Percent of catchment |
Emergent herbaceous wetlands | Percent of catchment |
Landscape data obtained for existing and removed dams from the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) and the National Land Cover Database (NLCD). Landscape data were summarized within network catchments for the stream reaches immediately above the dams.
* indicates variables that were used in our analyses.