A. Immunoblot of signaling induced by 10 U EPO/ml in MDA-MB-231 cells and B. MDA-MB-435 cells. C. EPOR mRNA expression in MDA-MB-231-shSCR, MDA-MB-231-shEPOR#1 and MDA-MB-231-shEPOR#2 cells, generated by infection of pLKO.1-scramble (shSCR), pLKO.1-shEPOR#1 (shEPOR#1) and pLKO.1-shEPOR#2 (shEPOR#2), harvested 72 hours after lentiviral transduction. Data shown are means ± SEM. shSCR vs shEPOR#1, **p = 0.0037; shSCR vs shEPOR#2, *p = 0.0391 by paired t test. D. Immunoblot of EPOR in MDA-MB-231-shSCR, MDA-MB-231-shEPOR#1 and MDA-MB-231-shEPOR#2 cells, harvested 72 hours after lentiviral transduction. E. Time course analysis of p-AKT and AKT following the addition of 10 U/ml EPO.