Figure 4.
Fledging success of blue tits predicted from caterpillar provisioning. (a) Relationship of total volume of caterpillars fed to a brood (x-axis) and fledging success (number of fledglings divided by number of hatchlings, y-axis). Data for the urban and suburban site were pooled in a single “suburban + urban” variable because of low sample size due to high nestling mortality at these two sites. (b) Relationship between number of caterpillars fed to a brood over 30 min and its fledging success. In this case a significant interaction site*caterpillars was found, indicating a positive relationship only for the suburban + urban broods, whereas the fledging success of the forest broods was weakly affected by the number of caterpillars fed. Blue colour and dots represent forest, red colour and triangles represent suburban + urban birds. Each symbol represents a single nest. Lines represent estimates from linear regression models, and shaded areas s.e.