Table 4.
Treatment outcome after SML, PDT, observation and conventional laser for CSC, DME, and BRVO
Treatment | Change in CRT (µm) | Change in BCVA (ETDRS letters) | |
CSC | SML | −131 (range −69.7 to −204)a | 6.34 (range −15 to 20)d |
PDT | −85 (range −76 to −109.8)b | 3.87 (range 2 to 8.5)b | |
Observation | −25 (range 26 to −89)c | 0.67 (range −2.1 to 2.5)c | |
DME | SML | −74.9 (range −138 to 48)e | 1.26 (range −6.6 to 19)e |
Conventional laser | −43.6 (range −145 to 28.7)f | −0.29 (range −7.3 to 7.5)f | |
BRVO | SML | −122.59 (range −272 to −40.5)g | 2.98 (range −3.5 to 9.5)g |
CSC central serous chorioretinopathy, DME diabetic macular edema, BRVO branch retinal vein occlusion, BCVA best corrected visual acuity, CRT central retinal thickness, ETDRS Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Group letters, PDT photodynamic therapy, SML subthreshold micropulse laser
a199 patients from 11 studies, 7 studies excluded from the calculations, one due to prior PDT treatment [37], six due to absence of information about the CRT
b100 patients from 3 studies
c49 patients from 3 studies
d216 patients from 14 studies, two studies excluded due to prior PDT [37, 41], two due to absence of information about the concrete BCVA [28, 31]
e613 patients from 11 studies
e195 patients from 7 studies
f80 patients from 3 studies, one study excluded from the calculation due to prior conventional laser treatment [56]