(A) Expansion of mixed
CD4+/CD8+ T cells using PDMS beads
provided additional divisions compared to Dynabeads. (B) Comparison
of maximum doublings reached using PDMS beads vs. Dynabeads. * P
< 0.0001. (C) Three-day expansion of
CD4+/CD8+ T cells. * P
< 0.05. (D) Cells expanded using PDMS beads returned to a
resting volume later than those activated using Dynabeads. (E)
Comparison of CD4+ T cell expansion using PDMS beads,
Dynabeads, and rigid polystyrene. Data are mean ± s.d., n = 4.
At Day 17, DBead is different from S184, M6215, and M4086, P < 0.05. In
addition, PBead is different from M6215 and M4086, P < 0.05. S184
= Sylgard 184, M6215 = MED-6215, M4086 = MED-4086, DBead
= Dynabeads, and PBead = 25 μm-diameter polystyrene
beads. All statistical analyses were conducted using 2-way ANOVA and
Tukey’s HSD methods.