Researchers and Clinicians (including Professional Societies and Organizations) |
Guiding Questions 1, 2, and 4 from full AHRQ report (11).
In addition:
What outcomes should be prioritized?
In your experience, what MAT models of care have been particularly successful and why?
Are there models of care that are particularly suited (e.g., feasibility, applicability) for rural or other underserved settings?
How would you categorize the components of MAT models of care?
What MAT models of care components are most critical for effectiveness?
What are barriers to implementation of MAT in primary care settings?
What are specific barriers to implementation of community-based psychosocial programs in MAT?
How could barriers to implementation be overcome?
Are you aware of new or innovative models of care that warrant additional research?
What are key research needs to understand effectiveness and implementation of MAT models of care?
What types of study designs would be useful for studying new or innovative MAT models of care?
What is a meaningful length of followup?
Are there specific areas related to effectiveness or implementation of MAT models of care that have been sufficiently studied to warrant a systematic evidence review?
Health Policy and Implementation Arenas |
What outcomes of MAT are important from a health policy/payer perspective?
What policies do payers put in place to influence use of MAT for treatment of opioid use disorder?
How are decisions to cover or implement MAT made at a policy level or at an institutional/clinical setting level?
What are some research questions about MAT that you would like answered to inform policy and implementation decisions?
Are you considering new policies to improve the use of MAT, particularly in primary care, including rural or other underserved populations?
What are cost and/or economic efficiency considerations that impact diffusion, decision-making, and/or conceptual thinking around MAT?
Patient Perspective |
What values do patients place on various non-substance-use-related outcomes and how do patients weigh trade-offs related to different pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches?
What factors or themes are most important to patients receiving MAT?
What components of MAT are important for patients to know, that they may not be aware of?
What common experiences do patients in MAT programs describe?
Should the use of MAT programs be expanded; and if so, what settings for patients are most amenable to the implementation of MAT?
What barriers do patients experience in obtaining MAT?
What suggestions do patients have for improving MAT models of care?
What are ethical, privacy, equity, or cost considerations that impact patient’s use of MAT?