Fig. 1.
Some BART miRNAs expressed in SNU-719-induced tumor xenografts and in cultured SNU-719 cells are expressed differently independent of the tumor inocula. 5×106 (A) or 1×105 (B) SNU-719 cells were injected into mice to induce tumors. The tumors were collected and total RNA and DNA were isolated. Four BART miRNAs were measured by stem loop real-time PCR. The level of each miRNA was calculated by generating standard curves with known quantities of synthetic miRNA identical to the mature miRNA sequence. In addition, each BART miRNA expression level was normalized to the number of EBV genomes measured by real-time PCR. All miRNAs were measured in more than three independent experiments. Statistical analysis with Student’s t-test was performed to compare the miRNA expression levels in tumor xenografts and in cultured cells. Error Bars represent the standard deviation. *, p < 0.05; ***, p < 0.0005.