Box-and-whisker plot of admission and discharge week mean level of effort rating
for ST, OT, and PT sessions combined, stratified by admission FIM cognitive
subscale score (N=1946). The distributions plotted represent the sample mean of
patients' mean level of effort scores for all their sessions during the
admission and discharge week, respectively. Patients (n=118) with ≤8 days
of IR LOS were included in the admission week only. The lower and upper edges of
the box represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, whereas the horizontal line in
the middle of the box represents the 50th percentile (median). The dashed,
vertical lines (whiskers) extending from the box indicate the range of data up
to the 1.5 quartile range. Circles indicate values that extend further than 1.5
quartiles from the box. Abbreviations: Adm, admission; Cog, cognitive.