a Polar maps of a representative pig following an acute myocardial infarction of the mid-LAD territory using multiple radiolabeled catecholamines. b Bar graphs depicting the significant differences between the 13N-ammonia defect area as a percentage of the total LV compared to the 11C-epinephrine and 11C-phenylephrine defect areas. There were no significant differences between the defect area of 13N-ammonia and 11C-HED and between the 11C-epinephrine and 11C-phenylephrine defect areas. N = 13 pigs. Ant anterior, EPI epinephrine, HED hydroxyephedrine, inf inferior, lat lateral, metab. metabolism, NH3ammonia, PHEN phenylephrine, sep septal (this research was originally published in JNM [60])