Electrical capacitance of cells regulated by IR
Cellular structures (water, proteins, amino acids, lipids, etc.)
Exclusion zone generated in water acts as a re-chargeable biological battery
Interaction between IR and water molecules
IR is absorbed and re-radiated as different electromagnetic wavelengths by tissue chromophores.
IR affects cellular redox state in mitochondria and modulates reactive oxygen species and ATP production.
Stimulation of nitric oxide, cytochrome c oxidase, transcription factors, cytokines, growth factors, and inflammatory mediators, etc.
Signaling via light or heat sensitive ion channels (Ionic pumps and molecular motors)[132]
Signaling via cyclic AMP/GMP and G-protein coupled receptors, and inositol phosphate [132]
IR induces in bulk water the release and transport of protons, activating membrane signaling pathways and transmembrane ion channel effects [133].