(a) In order to validate changes in protein expression as indicated by MS, western blotting was performed on ipsilateral hippocampal lysates from sham-preconditioned (injury) and seizure tolerant (tolerance) mice at 3 h following SE for Sept7, GSK3B and Cdc42, and at 24 h following SE for Synj1 and UCHL1. n = 5 or 6, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc test. (b) Representative blots of data depicted in (a), as well as that of ARP2, are shown, n = 1 per lane. There was no significant change in ARP2 expression between treatments. Depicted blots for Sept7 and Cdc42 are each derived from the same gel. Depcited blots for Synj1 and UCHL1 are each derived from the same gel. The non-continuity of the depicted blot for Cdc42 is due to removal of interleaved lanes representing a different treatment group, for sake of clarity. CON, control; INJ, injury; TOL; tolerance; TUB, Tubulin