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. 2017 Jul 12;8:808. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00808

Table 1.

Genetic mutations of SCID patients (n = 83).

No Gene Intron (I)/exon (E) Nucleotide change Predicted change
P001 IL2RG E1 c.3G>T M1I
P002 IL2RG E2 c.127delA T43fsX70
P003 IL2RG E2 c.202G>T E68X
P004a IL2RG E2 c.202G>A E68K
P004b IL2RG E2 c.202G>A E68K
P005 IL2RG E2 c.202G>A E68K
P006 IL2RG E2 c.252C>A N84K
P007 IL2RG I2 g.IVS2−15A>G Predicted aberrant splicing
P008 IL2RG I2 g.IVS2−15A>G Predicted aberrant splicing
P011e IL2RG E3 c.310_311delinsG H104fsX146
P012 IL2RG E3 c.340G>T G114C
P013e IL2RG E3 c.359dupA K120fsX167
P014 IL2RG E3 c.362delA E121fsX146
P015 IL2RG E3 c.365T>C I122T
P016 IL2RG E3 c.365T>C I122T
P017e IL2RG E3 c.371T>C L124P
P018 IL2RG E3 c.376C>T Q126X
P019e IL2RG E3 c.376C>T Q126X
P020 IL2RG E3 c.383T>C F128S
P021 IL2RG E3 c.386T>A V129D
P022 IL2RG E3 c.406_415del R136fsX143
P023e IL2RG E3 c.421delC Q141fsX146
P024 IL2RG I3/E4 junction g.IVS3−2A>T Predicted aberrant splicing
P025e IL2RG E4 c.507delG Q169fsX170
P026 IL2RG E4 c.507delG Q169fsX170
P027e IL2RG E4 c.562C>T Q188X
P028 IL2RG E4 c.562C>T Q188X
P030 IL2RG E5 c.658_659del T220fsX227
P031 IL2RG E5 c.664C>T R222C
P032e IL2RG E5 c.670C>T R224W
P033 IL2RG E5 c.670C>T R224W
P034 IL2RG E5 c.676C>T R226C
P036e IL2RG E5 c.677G>A R226H
P037 IL2RG E5 c.694G>C G232R
P038 IL2RG E5 c.709T>C W237R
P039e IL2RG E5 c.711G>A W237X
P040e IL2RG E5 c.722G>T S241I
P041 IL2RG E5 c.741delG G247fsX272
P042 IL2RG E5 c.741_742insG E248fsX302
P044 IL2RG E6 c.811G>T G271X
P045e IL2RG E6 c.835delG V279fsX293
P046 IL2RG E6/I6 junction c.854G>T R285L
P047e IL2RG E6/I6 junction c.854G>Af Predicted aberrant splicing
P048e IL2RG E6/I6 junction c.854G>Af Predicted aberrant splicing
P049e IL2RG E6/I6 junction c.854G>Af Predicted aberrant splicing
P050e IL2RG E6/I6 junction c.854G>Af Predicted aberrant splicing
P051 IL2RG E6/I6 junction c.854G>Af Predicted aberrant splicing
P052 IL2RG E6/I6 junction c.854G>Af Predicted aberrant splicing
P053e IL2RG I6-I7 g.IVS6-72_IVS7-11del Predicted exon 7 deletion
P055 IL2RG I6/E7 junction g.IVS6−2A>C Predicted aberrant splicing
P056 IL2RG I6 g.IVS6+3G>T Predicted aberrant splicing
P057e IL2RG I6 g.IVS6+5G>A Predicted aberrant splicing
P058e IL2RG I6 g.IVS6+5G>A Predicted aberrant splicing
P059 IL2RG E7 c.865C>T R289X
P060 IL2RG E8 c.929G>A W310X
P062 IL2RG E8 c.979_980delinsTT E327L
P063a IL2RG E8 c.982C>T R328X
P064 ADA E7 c.646G>A G216R
E11 c.1018_1019del K340fsX348
P065b DCLRE1C E1-E3 Gross deletion Gross deletion
P066b DCLRE1C E1-E4 Gross deletion Gross deletion
P068e DCLRE1C I3/E4 junction c.IVS3−1G>T I83-G102del
Exon 4 skippeda
E8 c.632G>T G211V
P069e IL7R E1 c.65G>T S22I
E2/I2 junction g.IVS2+2T>A Predicted aberrant splicing
P070b,e IL7R E5 c.562delC L188X
P071b IL7R E5 c.616C>T R206X
P072 JAK3 E2 c.115dupC Q39fsX51
E13 c.1744C>T R582W
P073 JAK3 E3 c.307C>T R103C
E10 c.1333C>T R445X
P074e JAK3 E13 c.1763A>C H588P
P075b,e JAK3 I14 g.IVS14−11G>A 638_639insPPX
P076c JAK3 E16 c.2062A>T I688F
P077 RAG1 E2 c.994C>T R332X
E2 c.3074dupT L1025fsX1064
P078e RAG1 E2 c.1178delG G393fsX402
E2 c.2095C>T R699W
P079 RAG1 E2 c.1328G>A R443K
E2 c.2486_2490del R829fsX869
P080 RAG1 E2 c.1681C>T R561C
E2 c.2561G>A G854D
P081d RAG1 E2 c.2005G>A E669K
P083 RAG1 E2 c.2324T>A L775Q
E2 c.2918G>A R973H
P084e RAG2 E1/I1 junction c.-28G>C Predicted aberrant splicing
E2 c.358delG V120fsX130
P085b RAG2 E2 c.104G>T G35V
P086b RAG2 E2 c.104G>T G35V
P087 RAG2 E2 c.104G>T G35V
E2 c.475C>T R159C
P088b RAG2 E2 c.218G>A R73H
P089 RAG2 E2 c.442C>T R148X
E2 c.685C>T R229W
P091 RFXANK E3/I3 junction g.IVS3+1delG Predicted aberrant splicing
E5 c.299_300del Q100fsX113
P092b RFXANK E5 c.299_300del Q100fsX113

ADA, adenosine deaminase; DCLRE1C, DNA cross-link repair enzyme 1C; IL2RG, interleukin-2 receptor subunit gamma; IL7R, interleukin-7 receptor subunit alpha; JAK3, Janus kinase 3; RAG, recombinase activating genes; RFXANK, regulatory factor X-associated ankyrin-containing protein.

aFrom RT-PCR results.

bHomozygous mutations.

cP076 was a B+NK− patient with hypogammaglobulinemia (IgG 1.45 g/L, IgA 0.23 g/L, and IgM 0.26 g/L) whose mother was a heterozygous carrier.

dOnly one mutation was found.

ePatients reported in our previous study (13).

fPrevious study reported 854G>A may cause R285Q or skipping of exon 6 (27). P004a and P004b and P063a and P063b (Table SE1 in Supplementary Material) were from the same kindred.