Figure 1. The Influence of the OXTR rs53576 Polymorphism on Antisocial Behaviors at age 20 in the Presence of High versus Low Social Stress: Homozygous Grouping (GG vs AA).
Note: The sample was split into high and low social stress groups using the median as a cut point. Standardized betas are presented; those above the arrow are under conditions of high social stress, those below are under conditions of low social stress. In the path model, bolded and starred (*) beta weights are significant at p<.05. Given no significant intercorrelations identified between the predictors, none were included in the model. OXTR genotypes were coded as GG carrying = 1 and AA = 0 and were centered on the mean. Early adversity is a square root transformed combination score of adverse early life events where higher values represent greater adversity.