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. 2017 May 30;17(Suppl 1):426. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4297-5

Table 3.

Temephos coverage, and beliefs of household respondents in 45 intervention and 45 control sites

Variable Intervention sites
Percent (fraction)
Control sites
Percent (fraction)
RD and 95% CIca
Temephos coverage
Temephos placed in water within last 2 months 39.4 (1804/4581) 44.8 (1969/4397) −0.054 (−0.167 to 0.059) P = 0.49
5+ visits by temephos team within last 12 months 10.6 (543/5107) 7.2 (358/4970) −0.034 (−0.004 to 0.072) p = 0.06
Temephos present in at least one water container 16.5 (839/5088) 26.0 (1262/4849) −0.095 (−0.182 to − 0.009) P = 0.02
Temephos retained <1 month or no temephos 41.8 (1831/4382) 31.6 (1336/4222) 0.102 (0.019 to 0.18) p = 0.095
Beliefs and opinions
Bathing in water with temephos is harmful 22.2% (1086/4884) 14.7% (688/4683) 0.075 (0.049 to 0.10) p = <0.0001
Drinking or cooking with water with temephos is harmful 63.4% (2832/4469) 60.3% (2482/4117) 0.031 (−0.020 to 0.051) p = 0.197
Temephos and fumigation is the best way to control mosquitos 82.7% (4377/5291) 86.7% (4405/5079) −0.04 (−0.067 to − 0.013) p = 0.004

RD risk difference

95% CIca cluster adjusted 95% confidence interval

Bold font indicates associations significant at the 5% level