All data in these plots were obtained during paired stimulus presentations with
attention directed to one of two RF stimuli (locations 1, 2 Figure 1b). Data are shown for neuron pairs with the
same selectivity (selectivity > 0; see Figure 4 for opposite selectivity). a, Spike-count
correlations decrease when the preferred stimulus is attended relative to when
attention is directed far from the RF stimuli. b, Spike-count
correlations increase when the non-preferred stimulus is attended relative to
when attention is directed far from the RF stimuli. c, Attention
modulation of spike-count correlations: comparing a and
b. d, Mean spike-count correlations
(rsc) computed on the data from four quadrants in the space
spanned by selectivity and non-preferred suppression in a,
b and c (quadrants defined by a combination of
selectivity < 0.5 or > 0.5 and non-preferred suppression
< 0.5 or > 0.5). Black: attention directed far from the RF
stimuli. Blue: attention directed to the preferred stimulus of neuron pairs.
Orange: attention directed to the non-preferred stimulus of neuron pairs.
Error-bars represent ± 1 SEM. e, Attending the preferred
stimulus of neurons in Population A increases neuronal activity in Population A
(thick circles), which increases suppression to neurons in Population B (thick
orange line). The less active neurons in Populations B (thin circles) send less
common suppression to neurons in Population B (thin orange line), thereby
decorrelating activity in Population A. f, Attending the preferred
stimulus of neurons in Population B increases neuronal activity within
Population B, which increases common suppression to neurons in Population A,
thereby correlating activity in Population A.