(A) The constant-voltage step protocol consisted of applying a 100 ms voltage step to +10 mV from a holding potential. (B) Control traces of inward and outward current obtained by applying a total of 200 voltage step protocols, with a 3 s interval between each protocol. The inset shows an expanded view of the peak inward current. (C) Representative traces of inward and outward current following exposure of a cell to a single 5 ns pulse applied at an E-field of 5 MV/m, and in (D), at an E-field of 10 MV/m. In both (C) and (D), the pulse was applied between the 20th and 21st voltage step protocols, with an interval of 0.5 s between the time the NEP was delivered and recording of currents. The arrow indicates Ileak, which was recorded with a delay of 8 ms after the pulse [22].