Fig 1. Generation of mapping populations in Teladorsagia circumcincta.
(A) Introgressing field-derived multiple-anthelmintic resistance alleles into an inbred anthelmintic susceptible genetic background. Oxfendazole (BZ), levamisole (LEV) and ivermectin (IVM) were used for multidrug screening. (B) Efficacies of BZ, LEV and IVM against the multiple-anthelmintic resistant Rpar strain of T. circumcincta in goat kids. Back-transformed square-root mean worm counts were presented with range of actual counts. No statistically significant worm count differences were detected between any of the groups (Wilcoxon rank-sum test, n = 6 for each treatment group). (C) Two-dimensional variant allele frequency spectra for Sinbred and RS3 T. circumcincta populations. Both horizontal and vertical axes are in units of 10%. Bi-allelic SNPs were used after subsampling to a uniform coverage of 10× for both strains because differences in mean sequencing depths could lead to a systematic bias in polymorphism detection sensitivity.