Table 2.
Descriptions of Maladaptive Interpersonal Traits in the Interpersonal Circumplex
Interpersonal style | Description |
Domineering | Tendency to control, manipulate, be aggressive toward, or try to change others |
Vindictive | Tendency toward distrust and suspicion of others; an inability to care about the needs and happiness of others |
Cold | Tendency to have difficulty expressing affection toward or feeling love for others; an inability to be generous to, get along with, or forgive others |
Socially Avoidant | Tendency to feel anxious and embarrassed with others; difficulty expressing feelings and socializing with others |
Nonassertive | Tendency to have difficulty expressing needs, acting authoritatively, or being firm and assertive with others |
Exploitable | Tendency to have difficulty feeling and expressing anger to others; gullible and easily taken advantage of by others |
Overly Nurturant | Tendency to try to please others; overly generous to, trusting of, caring toward, and permissive of others |
Intrusive | Tendency toward inappropriate self-disclosure and attention-seeking; difficulty being alone |