Cells treated with UTP exhibit a decrease in IK potassium currents. Graphs show the mean IK and IA currents obtained by measuring the peak of each voltage step which were dissected by manipulating the holding potential. The IA currents were determined by subtracting IK currents from ITot currents. Insert shows the voltage steps protocol used to achieve voltage dependent potassium currents, Vh indicates holding potential. (A) Summary of data showing a decrease in IK potassium currents initiated by UTP (p < 0.0001, n = 8). (B) IA potassium currents were not significantly affected by UTP. (C) Shows a summary of results presenting a reduction in the evoked IK currents (p < 0.0001, n = 3–5) in the presence of XE-991 alone and in combination with UTP. Symbols represent mean ± SEM.