Working hypothesis of uridine nucleotide signaling in human EC cells lining the GI mucosa. UTP (or UDP) activate P2Y4 and P2Y6 receptors in EC cells to elevate intracellular free Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i) and generate Ca2+ oscillations or monophasic Ca2+ transients, and cause membrane depolarization. UTP acts via P2Y4 to stimulate a Gq/PLC-PIP2-IP3-IP3R/SERCA signaling pathway to elevate [Ca2+]i associated with Ca2+ responses that triggers a Ca2+ dependent 5-HT secretion in EC cells. In addition, patch-clamp studies revealed that UTP increases ICa currents by activation of VOCCs via P2Y4; P2Y6 is presumed to have an inhibitory effect on VOCCs. As well, activation of P2Y4 causes a Vm depolarization that was independent of VOCC activation, but was eliminated by the Kv7.1/7.2/7.3 channel inhibitor XE-991. We hypothesize that UTP depolarizes the cell by reducing a potassium conductance (not yet identified), which occurs as a consequence of depleting PIP2 from the membrane by its conversion to IP3 after PLC activation. Vm depolarization seems not linked to Ca2+ dependent 5-HT release but it may play a role in the fine tuning of the pathway. In a parallel way UTP reduced a component of IK currents that was insensitive to XE-991, and the identity of the Kv channel remains unknown. This response does not explain the effect of UTP on Vm depolarization. A rise in intracellular free Ca2+ is required for 5-HT release. However, zero Ca2+ buffer augments both [Ca2+]i inside the cell and 5-HT release. The mechanism for this paradoxical effect of Ca2+ influx is unknown. Concepts are based on data from a BON cell model of human EC cells. Isolated EC cells from human intestinal surgical specimens were used to confirm effect of UTP on 5-HT release and expression of P2Y4 and P2Y6 receptors.