Representative cerebral autoregulation monitoring graphic results obtained during cardiopulmonary bypass. The top graph shows the arterial blood pressure (ABP) trend during the monitoring period. The next 2 graphs represent the correlation flow index (CFx) from the left and right brain hemispheres averaged in 5 mmHg bins. The last graph shows the percentage of time for each 5 mmHg mean arterial pressure (MAP) bins during the recording period. The CFx represents a moving Pearson’s correlation coefficient between slow-wave changes in cerebral flow index and MAP. When cerebral blood flow is in the autoregulation range, CFx is close to zero, but when MAP is below or above the autoregulation range, CFx approaches 1. Optimal blood pressure, which is a blood pressure associated with the most robust autoregulation, is 65 mmHg for this patient, indicated by ABP with the lowest CFx (black arrows).