Individual socioeconomic factors (participant and husband): age, sex, ethnicity, religion, education, occupation |
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Household factors: income level, wealth index |
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Previous pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding experience |
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Breastfeeding knowledge level (high/medium/low) |
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Intention and confidence to exclusively breastfeed |
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Breastfeeding self-efficacy scores (high/low) |
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Postdelivery survey: date of birth; place of birth; type of delivery; and child’s birth, weight, and sex |
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Child morbidity characteristics: signs and symptoms of fever, cough, respiratory tract infection, diarrhea, dysentery |
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Breastfeeding and other feeding follow-up module—24-hour recall and 1-month recall |
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Social desirability scale (high/medium/low) |
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Process evaluation on mHealth (intervention group only): frequency of text messages received, user-friendliness of the messages received, perceived relevance of messages, trust in messages, understanding of messages, and new information learned or not |
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