Fig. 4.
Regulation of ‘bin’ activity. A, Differentially expressed MS-C RNA classes were determined after FDR adjustment. Expression levels of these MS-C RNAs were compared to their expression in MS-N and MS-E cohorts by linear regression. P values are the probability that the regression line is non-zero. B, RNAs differentially expressed in subjects with RA who were not on methotrexate therapy were identified by adjusting for CASE/CTRL FDR. Expression levels of these RNAs were determined ins subjects on current methotrexate therapy (RA+MTX) by determining RA-MTX/CTRL FDR+. Y-axis, FDR+=1, FDR−=0, X-axis: number of discrete transcripts in each of the RNA classes C, Proportion of differentially expressed RNAs unique to a single cohort or shared among different cohorts. Results for IBS are shown, see also Supplements Table 2.