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. 2017 Jun 30;11(6):e0005715. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005715

Table 3. The association of patients’ characteristics and manifestations with ADEM cases’ outcomes.

Factor Comparison groups
Complete recovery (n = 16)* Partial recovery (n = 7)* P-valuea Bad outcomes (Death or partial recovery) (n = 10)* P-valueb
Gender (male), (n) (%)** 11 (68.8) 5 (71.4) 1 8 (80) 0.67
Steroids treatment, (n) (%)** 11 (68.8) 5 (71.4) 1 5 (50) 0.43
Administration route (IV), (n) (%)** 6 (37.5) 3 (42.8) 1 3 (30) 1
Age (years) 22.5 (9 days– 65 years) 15 (10–58) 0.76 17 (10–58) 0.97
Hb (mg/L) 10 × 104 (112–113 × 103) 63 (119–12 × 104) 0.56 117500 (119–162 × 103) 0.18
Onset day of neurological manifestations 11 (5–19) 6 (5–8) 0.03 5.5 (3–8) 0.006
Platelet (L) 655 × 108 (18 × 109–19 × 1012) 60 × 109 (20 × 109–328 × 109) 0.92 45 × 109 (16 × 109–328 × 109) 0.43
WBC (L) 51 × 108 (9500–31 × 109) 4 × 109 (0.011–75 × 108) 0.49 41 × 109 (0.011–146 × 108) 0.95
GCS 7.5 (7–8) 7.5 (6–9) 1 7 (6–9) 0.9
PCV (%) 31.5 (37.9–48.4) 38.2 (37.9–48.4) 0.23 42.1 (37.9–48.4) 0.21
ALT (U/L) 211.5 (36.3–1457) 313 (43–123000) 0.87 214 (38–123000) 0.80
AST (U/L) 156.5 (77.9–832) 9232.5 (44–199000) 0.85 465 (44–199000) 1
Temperature (°F) 100 (99–102) 102.2 (100.4–105) 0.026 102.2 (100.4–105) 0.03
Pulse (per minute) 105 (100–110) 110 (100–140) 0.67 110 (92–140) 0.95
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 100 (90–110) 98 (90–130) 0.97 100 (90–130) 0.99
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 65 (60–70) 70 (59–79) 0.66 60 (60–80) 1
Urea (mg/dl) 24 (21.9–108) 69 (26–84) 0.38 69 (26–84) 0.29
Glucose (mg/dl) 102.4 (69–138) 100.8 1 105.4 (100.8–110) 0.8
Creatinine (mg/dl) 1.15 (1–1.9) 1.2 (0.9–1.6) 0.94 1.2 (0.6–4.3) 0.95
Albumin (g/dl) 2.75 (2.3–3.2) 3.55 (2.9–4.2) 1 3.55 (2.9–4.2) 1

Abbreviations; Vs. = Versus, IV = Intravenous, Hb = Hemoglobin, GCS = Glasgow coma scale, PCV = packed cell volume, AST = Aspartate transaminase, ALT = Alanine transaminase.

aP-value for comparison between complete recovery versus partial recovery.

bP-value for comparison between complete recovery versus bad outcomes.

*The numbers are median and range except for gender, steroids treatment and administration route which are the frequency and percent.

**The test used for all variables was Mann-Whitney U test except for gender, steroids treatment and administration route (Fixer’s exact test).