Figure 5. Injection of ORC4 Peptides Disrupts ORC4 Cage and Inhibits PBE.
MII oocytes were injected with ORC4 peptides one hour before parthenogenetic activation. The oocytes were stained at anaphase II or G1 for ORC4. (A) An oocyte with peptide 1 that formed a normal ORC4 cage at anaphase II. (B) An oocyte with the ORC4 cage disrupted at anaphase II. (C) An oocyte with peptide 1 with no visible ORC4 cage. (D) An oocyte injected with peptide 1 that did not extrude a polar body. Both maternal sets of chromosomes formed pronuclei. Some ORC4 staining was visible at the cortex. (E) An oocyte injected with peptide 1 that formed a normal polar body with an ORC4 cage. (F) An oocyte injected with control peptide 16 that progressed to PBE. Oocytes were stained with an antibody for ORC4 (green) and DAPI (blue). Bar = 10 μm.