Figure 3.
Lack of active accumulation of a NIS substrate in NIS KO mice. (a) SPECT/CT analysis of 3-month-old female WT and NIS KO mice fed a CD (coronal and sagittal views). WT mice accumulate 99mTcO4 − in the thyroid (T), salivary glands (SG), and stomach (S). NIS KO mice accumulate 99mTcO4 − only in the bladder (B). Images are displayed as % injected dose/cc. (b) Quantitation of 99mTcO4 − in the corresponding dissected organs 3 hours after injection of the isotope (n = 2–3) with gamma well counting. Activity is expressed as % injected dose/gram of tissue. T = thyroid, SG = salivary gland, S = stomach, Blo = blood, B = bladder. *Indicates p < 0.05, # p < 0.01.