Figure 8.
Plasma corticosterone and hippocampal pGR protein as a function of age and long-term (low dose) paraquat treatment. As shown in (A), the older cohort (13–17 months) displayed elevated corticosterone levels (collapsed over paraquat treatment). Paraquat treatment elevated corticoid levels; but interestingly, this effect was restricted to the younger cohort (5–9 months). *p < 0.05 relative to the saline treated younger cohort. As displayed in (B), paraquat robustly increased hippocampal protein levels of pGR in the younger cohort in comparison to age matched saline treated mice, however, it significantly reduced levels in mice from the older cohort, relative to their saline injected counterparts. *p < 0.05 relative to saline treated mice from the younger cohort, +p < 0.05 relative to saline treated mice form the older cohort.