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. 2016 Dec 19;24(4):571–583. doi: 10.1007/s12529-016-9622-3

Table 1.

Health status subdomains and their definition and included instruments of the Nijmegen Clinical Screening Instrument (NCSI)

Domain Subdomain Definition Instruments/measurement No. of items
Physiological functioning Airflow Post-bronchodilator FEV1% of predicted
Body composition Body mass index
Exercise capacity VO2 max% of predicted
Symptoms Subjective symptoms The patient’s overall burden of pulmonary symptoms PARS-D Global Dyspnoea Activity [11] 1
PARS-D Global Dyspnoea Burden [11] 1
Dyspnoea emotions The level of frustration and anxiety a person experiences when dyspnoeic DEQ frustration [11] 3
DEQ anxiety [11]
Fatigue The level of experienced fatigue CIS subjective fatigue [20] 8
Functional impairment Subjective impairment The experienced degree of impairment in general QoLRiQ general activities [21] 4
Behavioural impairment The extent to which a person cannot perform specific and concrete activities as a result of having the disease SIP home management [22] 10
SIP ambulation [22] 12
Quality of life General quality of life Mood and the satisfaction of a person with his/her life as a whole BDI primary care [23] 7
Satisfaction with life scale [24] 5
Health-related quality of life Satisfaction related to physical functioning and the future Satisfaction physiological functioning [11] 1
Satisfaction future [11] 1
Satisfaction relations Satisfaction with the (absent) relationships with spouse and others Satisfaction spouse [11] 1
Satisfaction social [11] 1

No. number, FEV 1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, VO 2 max maximal oxygen uptake, PARS-D Physical Activity Rating Scale-Dyspnoea, DEQ Dyspnoea Emotions Questionnaire, CIS Checklist Individual Strength, QoL-RiQ Quality of Life for Respiratory Illness Questionnaire, SIP Sickness Impact Profile, BDI Beck’s Depression Inventory