Figure 3. Hippocampal stimulation via the ventral hippocampal commissure impaired learning if it took place contingent on hippocampal dentate spikes.
A, learned responses across two‐session blocks of trace eyeblink classical conditioning. Only animals in the non‐stimulated normal control (NC) and the stimulated yoked control (YC) groups learned. Animals in the experimental group (EXP) did not show an increase in learned responding. Line 1. refers to the result of a repeated measures ANOVA comparing the NC and the YC groups. Line 2. refers to the result of repeated measures ANOVA comparing the control groups (NC + YC) to the EXP group. Line 3. refers to results of separate repeated measures ANOVAs conducted on control (NC + YC) and experimental groups to study the change in learned responding across conditioning. B, highest percentage of learned responding per session (last 4 sessions). At best, animals in the control groups performed more learned responses than animals in the experimental group. The difference was significant according to a one‐way ANOVA. Asterisks refer to P values: *** P ≤ 0.001, * P < 0.05. Vertical lines indicate standard error of mean.