A, phosphorylation of ERK1/2 MAPK in P‐UAECs upon treatment with 2‐OHE2 (n = 4), 4‐OHE2 (n = 4), E2β (n = 4), noradrenaline (NA) (n = 3) and adrenaline (ADR) (n = 3) (all 0.1 nm) over the course of 24 h. Biphasic phosphorylation of ERK1/2 MAPK at 0.25 h and 12 h with 2‐OHE2 and 4‐OHE2, E2β treatment, and monophasic phosphorylation at 0.25 h, with NA, and ADR were observed respectively. Graphs represent the means ± SEM (Student‐Newman‐Keuls test, P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant). B, representative blots of phosphorylated (Phospho), total ERK1/2 MAPK and β‐actin.