A, mean peak response amplitude (± SEM) as a function of flash intensity for the cells of Fig. 2; colours indicate background intensity (in Rh* s−1) as follows: black, 0 (no background); red, 12; green, 32; blue, 122; orange, 330; and purple, 1190. Data for each background have been fitted with eqn (2) with the following values of r
max (in pA) and a (in Rh*
−1), from dimmest to brightest background: 13.1, 0.038; 11.6, 0.034; 10.6, 0.029; 8.8, 0.017; 5.8, 0.0083; 3.6, 0.0051. B, superimposed responses from Fig. 2 to the same flash of 31 Rh* in each of the background illuminations; same colour coding as for A. Note monotonic decrease in response amplitude with increasing background intensity. C, superimposed responses from B normalized cell by cell to the same peak amplitude to illustrate acceleration of rate of response decay with increasing background illumination. Best‐fitting single exponential decay time constants (τrec) averaged cell by cell were as follows, from dark to background of 1190 Rh* s−1 in ms: 922 ± 18, 925 ± 20, 765 ± 9, 564 ± 12, 435 ± 10 and 364 ± 16. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]