Figure 3.
Bland-Altman Plots presenting the mean difference values of the Fitbit Flex (FBF) and the Actiwatch-2 (AW-2) on the Y-Axis against the mean average values of the Fitbit Flex (FBF) and the Actiwatch-2 (AW-2) on the X-Axis (Krouwer, 2008) across Total Sleep Time (TST; minutes), Sleep Onset Latency (SOL; minutes), Wake After Sleep Onset (WASO; minutes), and Sleep Efficiency (SE; percent). Horizontal, solid red line denotes the average mean difference with dotted lines representing 95% confidence interval. Figure A presents the normal netting (FBF-N) vs. PSG. Figure B presents the sensitive setting (FBF-S) vs. PSG.