Representative immunoblots and densitometric quantification of OPA1 normalized to GAPDH in gastrocnemius muscle from 12‐week‐old WT and mOPA1/FGF21 KO mice (n = 3).
BN‐PAGE in gastrocnemius muscle of 12‐week‐old mice (n = 4).
mtDNA copy number in gastrocnemius muscle of 12‐week‐old mice (n = 3–4).
Maximally stimulated succinate‐supported mitochondrial respirations in soleus from 20‐week‐old mice (n = 4–6).
Succinate‐supported ATP synthesis rates in soleus from 20‐week‐old mice (n = 4–5).
Maximally stimulated succinate‐supported mitochondrial respirations in soleus from 40‐week‐old mice (n = 5).
Measurements of grip strength in 40‐week‐old mice (n = 3).
Body weight and body composition in 20‐week‐old WT and DKO mice (n = 5–9).
Cross sections of gastrocnemius muscle from 20‐week‐old mice stained with wheat‐germ agglutinin (WGA). Scale bar = 50 μm.
Measurements of muscle fiber diameter in gastrocnemius muscle from 20‐week‐old mice (n = 3).