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. 2017 Mar 24;83(8):1844–1859. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13265
Characteristic Cohort outcome bleed Cohort outcome stroke
NOAC‐users (n = 1247) VKA‐users (n = 13 177) Aspirin‐users (n = 15 551) Mixed‐users (n = 443) NOAC (n = 1128) VKA (n = 12 445) Aspirin (n = 15 471) Mixed use (n = 402)
Follow‐up (years, SD) 1.0 (0.6) 2.7 (1.9) 2.9 (1.9) 2.9 (2.0) 0.9 (0.6) 2.7 (1.9) 2.9 (1.9) 3.0 (2.0)
Number of women 566 (45.4%) 6073 (46.1%) 7753 (49.9%) 159 (35.9%) 501 (44.4%) 5683 (45.7%) 7665 (49.5%) 142 (35.3%)
Mean age at index date (years, SD) 72.4 (12.6) 71.9 (11.9) 73.5 (12.7) 72.2 (10.6) 72.0 (12.8) 71.7 (12.0) 73.4 (12.7) 71.8 (10.5)
18–49 years 59 (4.7%) 663 (5.0%) 654 (4.21%) 13 (2.9%) 54 (4.8%) 651 (5.2%) 661 (4.3%) 13 (3.2%)
50–59 years 155 (12.4%) 1263 (9.6%) 1421 (9.14%) 37 (8.4%) 148 (13.1%) 1231 (9.9%) 1428 (9.2%) 35 (8.7%)
60–69 years 252 (20.2%) 22 943 (22.3) 359 (23.1%) 117 (26.4%) 237 (21.0%) 2788 (22.4%) 3589 (23.2)% 110 (27.4%)
70–79 years 401 (32.2%) 4498 (34.1%) 4259 (27.4%) 160 (36.1%) 350 (31.0%) 4221 (33.9%) 4238 (27.4%) 143 (35.6%)
80+ years 380 (30.5%) 3810 (28.9%) 5627 (36.2%) 116 (26.2%) 339 (30.1%) 3554 (28.6%) 5555 (35.9%) 101 (25.1%)
Mean BMI at index date (SD) 28.0 (6.2) 28.7 (6.3) 27.8 (6.2) 28.9 (6.5) 28.0 (6.2) 28.8 (6.4) 27.8 (6.2) 29.0 (6.6)
< 20 kg m–2 77 (6.2%) 522 (4.0%) 925 (5.95%) 20 (4.5%) 70 (6.2%) 482 (3.9%) 926 (6.0%) 17 (4.2%)
20–25 kg m–2 312 (25.0%) 3056 (23.2%) 3984 (25.6%) 94 (21.2%) 285 (25.3%) 2886 (23.2%) 3955 (25.6%) 83 (20.7%)
25–30 kg m–2 403 (32.3%) 4468 (33.9%) 5149 (33.1%) 151 (34.1%) 364 (32.3%) 4200 (33.8%) 5134 (33.2%) 138 (34.3%)
30–35 kg m–2 243 (19.5%) 2570 (19.5%) 2668 (17.2%) 90 (20.3%) 217 (19.2%) 2463 (19.8%) 2664 (17.2%) 81 (20.2%)
>35 kg m–2 136 (10.9%) 1747 (13.3%) 1617 (10.4%) 59 (13.3%) 129 (11.4%) 1680 (13.5%) 1619 (10.5%) 56 (13.9%)
Missing 76 (6.1%) 814 (6.2%) 1208 (7.8%) 29 (6.5%) 63 (5.6%) 734 (5.9%) 1173 (7.58%) 27 (6.7%)
Smoking status
Never 545 (43.7%) 5483 (41.6%) 6856 (44.1%) 168 (37.9%) 493 (43.7%) 5160 (41.5%) 6797 (43.9%) 154 (38.3%)
Current 97 (7.8%) 1191 (9.0%) 1493 (9.6%) 51 (11.5%) 93 (8.2%) 1124 (9.0%) 1495 (9.7%) 44 (11.0%)
Ex 598 (48.0%) 6440 (48.9%) 7126 (45.8%) 222 (50.1%) 537 (47.6%) 6106 (49.1%) 7105 (45.9%) 202 (50.3%)
Missing 7 (0.6%) 63 (0.5%) 76 (0.5%) <5 5 (0.4%) 55 (0.4%) 74 (0.5%) <5
Yes 869 (69.7%) 9196 (69.8%) 10 650 (68.5%) 305 (68.8%) 795 (70.5%) 8755 (70.4%) 10 628 (68.7%) 277 (68.9%)
No 269 (21.6) 3034 (23.0%) 3646 (23.4%) 100 (22.6%) 240 (21.3%) 2835 (22.8%) 3612 (23.4%) 89 (22.1%)
Missing 109 (8.7%) 947 (7.2%) 1255 (8.1%) 38 (8.6%) 93 (8.2%) 855 (6.9%) 1231 (8.0%) 36 (9.0%)
CHA 2 DS 2 ‐VASc score
Mean (SD) 2.6 (1.5) 2.6 (1.5) 2.5 (1.5) 2.6 (1.4) 2.4 (1.5%) 2.5 (1.5%) 2.5 (1.4%) 2.5 (1.4%)
Low 564 (45.2%) 6029 (45.8%) 7062 (45.4%) 219 (49.4%) 525 (46.5%) 5790 (46.5%) 7135 (46.1%) 205 (51.0%)
Medium 319 (25.6%) 3294 (25.0%) 4312 (27.7%) 101 (22.8%) 310 (27.5%) 3260 (26.2%) 4341 (28.1%) 97 (24.1%)
High 364 (29.2%) 3854 (29.2%) 4177 (26.9%) 123 (27.8%) 293 (26.0%) 3395 (27.3%) 3995 (25.8%) 100 (24.9%)
History of disease ever before
Acute renal failure 7 (0.6%) 60 (0.5%) 110 (0.7%) <5 5 (0.4%) 58 (0.5%) 114 (0.7%) <5
Cerebrovascular disease 215 (17.2%) 1665 (12.6%) 814 (5.2%) 69 (15.6%) 69 (6.1%) 624 (5.0%) 365 (2.4%) 21 (5.2%)
Chronic renal failure 6 (0.5%) 150 (1.1%) 150 (1.0%) <5 6 (0.5%) 134 (1.0%) 147 (1.0%) <5
Congestive heart failure 90 (7.2%) 1333 (10.1%) 906 (5.8%) 66 (14.9%) 84 (7.5%) 1297 (10.4%) 890 (5.8%) 63 (15.7%)
Gastritis 74 (5.9%) 768 (5.8%) 866 (5.6%) 16 (3.6%) 67 (5.9%) 780 (6.3%) 892 (5.8%) 17 (4.2%)
GI‐bleed <5 <5 <5 <5 32 (2.8%) 328 (2.6%) 380 (2.5%) 6 (1.5%)
Hypertension 675 (54.1%) 7027 (53.3%) 7718 (49.6%) 227 (5.2%) 604 (53.6%) 6600 (53.0%) 7642 (49.4%) 205 (51.0%)
Liver disease 2 (0.2%) 15 (0.1%) 29 (0.2%) 1 (0.2%) 2 (0.2%) 14 (0.1%) 34 (0.2%) 0 (0.0%)
Cancer 11 (0.9%) 120 (0.9%) 114 (0.7%) 4 (0.9%) 15 (1.3%) 118 (1.0%) 118 (0.8%) 4 (1.0%)
Peripheral artery disease 64 (5.1%) 660 (5.0%) 612 (3.9%) 26 (5.9%) 61 (5.4%) 623 (5.0%) 613 (4.0%) 24 (6.0%)
Ischaemic heart disease 103 (8.3%) 1343 (10.2%) 1398 (9.0%) 111 (25.1%) 87 (7.7%) 1255 (10.1%) 1374 (8.9%) 105 (26.1%)
History of medication use (< 6 months before index date)
Antiarrhythmic drugs 78 (6.3%) 866 (6.6%) 664 (4.3%) 13 (2.9%) 75 (6.7%) 845 (6.8%) 655 (4.2%) 12 (3.0%)
Anticoagulant drugs 16 (1.3%) 202 (1.5%) 63 (0.4%) <5 16 (1.2%) 202 (1.5%) 63 (0.4%) <5
Antidiabetic drugs 93 (7.5%) 1000 (7.6%) 876 (5.6%) 36 (8.1%) 82 (7.3%) 952 (7.7%) 852 (5.5%) 32 (8.0%)
Antihypertensive drugs 329 (26.3%) 3690 (28.0%) 3411 (21.9%) 102 (23.0%) 292 (25.9%) 3480 (28.0%) 3416 (22.1%) 98 (24.4%)
Antiplatelet drugs 9 (0.7%) 190 (1.4%) 90 (0.6%) <5 4 (0.4%) 125 (1.0%) 63 (0.4%) <5
Insulin 17 (1.4%) 203 (1.5%) 160 (1.0%) 10 (2.3%) 15 (1.3%) 187 (1.5%) 156 (1.0%) 9 (2.2%)
NSAID's 140 (11/2%) 1556 (11.8%) 2066 (13.3%) 60 (13.5%) 123 (10.9%) 1505 (12.1%) 2067 (13.4%) 55 (13.7%)
SSRI's 90 (7.2%) 761 (5.8%) 1018 (6.5%) 17 (3.8%) 80 (7.1%) 704 (5.7%) 1005 (6.5%) 15 (3.7%)
Statins 371 (29.8%) 3878 (29.4%) 3229 (20.8%) 110 (24.8%) 301 (26.7%) 3443 (27.7%) 3152 (20.4%) 100 (24.9%)
Glucocorticoids 121 (9.7%) 1297 (9.8%) 1226 (7.9%) 32 (7.2%) 118 (10.5%) 1245 (10.0%) 1235 (8.0%) 29 (7.2%)
History of medication use (<3 months before index date)
H2 receptor‐antagonists 30 (2.4%) 291 (2.2%) 291 (1.9%) 11 (2.5%) 22 (2.0%) 289 (2.3%) 282 (1.8%) 12 (3.0%)
PPI's 329 (26.4%) 3118 (23.7%) 3327 (21.4%) 81 (18.3%) 305 (27.0%) 3049 (24.5%) 3401 (22.0%) 75 (18.7%)

NOAC, nonvitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant; VKA, vitamin K antagonist; SD, standard deviation; BMI, body mass index; NSAIDs, non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs; SSRI's, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; H2, histamine 2; PPI's, proton pump inhibitors, GI, gastrointestinal.