MЀDITA trial (MEditerranean DIet and Type 2 diAbetes) [5, 7] |
106 male diabetic patients |
Single center, randomized, controlled trial |
Changes of IIEF after a total follow-up of 8.1 years in MedDiet (n = 54) or a low-fat diet (n = 52, control group). |
Reduction in IIEF was significantly greater in the low-fat group compared to MedDiet (p = 0.024). |
CAPRI (CAmpanian post-PrandIal hyperglycemia group) [6] |
555 male diabetic patients |
Large observational study |
Prevalence and severity of ED according to MedDiet adherence by tertile of MedDiet score. |
ED prevalence and severity in the highest tertile of adherence to MedDiet were significantly lower than in those with low adherence (p = 0.01). |
Ramirez et al. [9] |
440 male non diabetic patients |
multicentre, observational, cross-sectional study |
Prevalence of ED in a MedDiet cohort (No ED 254 patients, mild ED 109 patients, moderate severe ED 77 patients) |
Consumptions of Nuts and vegetables were inversely related to ED |
Wang et al. [8] |
1466 male diabetic patients |
Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) |
Association between fruit/vegetable consumption and ED among Canadian men with diabetes. |
The consumption of fruits and vegetables were inversely associated with ED. |