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. 2017 Mar 17;4(2):ofx049. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofx049

Table 2.

Prevalence, Attributable Fraction, and Incidence of NoV-Associated AGE Among Children in Southwest Guatemala, 2015–2016

Outcome PSS Cohort (n = 469) RAS Survey 1 (n = 402) RAS Survey 2 (n = 368) P Value a
Cross-sectionalb April–September 2015 October–November 2015 January–February 2016
AGE, n (%) 49 (10) 56 (14) 29 (8) .31
 Sample available, n (%) 36 (73) 42 (75) 24 (83) .38
 NoV+, n (%) 4 (11) 6 (14) 5 (21) .31
Asymptomatic NoV, n (%) 25 (11) 20 (12) 15 (8) .36
NoV+ PAF, %c −1.6 3.2 12.4 <.001
Rapid Vesikari score (SD) 7.2 (1.7) 7.5 (1.5) 7.1 (1.8) .55
Prospective follow upd April 2015–August 2016
AGE episodes reported 50 N/A N/A N/A
AGE incidencee 11.4 per 100 PY 1316/100 PY 697/100 PY <.001
NoV+ AGE incidencee 1.4 per 100 PY 154/100 PY 131/100 PY <.001
Rapid Vesikari score (SD) 8.1 (1.6) N/A N/A .005

Abbreviations: AGE, acute gastroenteritis; N/A, not applicable; NoV, norovirus; PAF, population-attributable fraction; PSS, participatory syndromic surveillance; PY, person-years; RAS, rapid active sampling; SD, standard deviation.

a P values for comparison of cross-sectional AGE, sample available, NoV+, and asymptomatic NoV calculated using the asymptotic Breslow-Day test for homogeneity. P values for comparison of cross-sectional NoV+ PAF, AGE incidence, and AGE NoV+ incidence calculated using pairwise t tests. P value for comparison of cross-sectional rapid Vesikari score calculated using general linear models for continuous variables, assuming equal variance across the 3 groups. Overall mean rapid Vesikari score of the 3 cross-sectional studies (PSS enrollment, RAS survey 1, and RAS survey 2) compared with the mean rapid Vesikari score of the prospective follow-up portion of the PSS study calculated using general linear models for continuous variables.

bIncludes the enrollment visits from the PSS and all visits from the RAS survey 1 and RAS survey 2.

cPopulation-attributable fractions adjusted for age and number of people living in the household.

dChildren who tested positive for NoV at enrollment were excluded from the analysis of the prospective follow-up data.

eTo compare the cross-sectional and prospective data, we converted the prevalence of AGE in the cross-sectional datasets into incidence rates using the following formula: Prevalence/(1-Prevalence) = Incidence × Duration of AGE.