Figure 2. Structure of the IFN-λ Ternary Complex.
(A) The structure of the ternary complex reveals the mechanism of IL-10Rβ (gold) recognition of IFN-λ3 H11 (blue) and IFN-λR1 (gray). The IL-10Rβ makesextensive and continuous contacts with H11 at sites 2a and 2b, and site 3 makes stem-stem contacts with the IFN-λR1. Unique to the IFN-λ structure, a largesurface area of the cytokine remains surface exposed in the ternary complex.
(B) Structure of the IL-10/IL-10R1 partial signaling complex (PDB: 1J7V) (Josephson et al., 2001).
(C) Structure of a type I IFN receptor complex (PDB: 3SE4) (Thomas et al., 2011). See also Table S1.