Figure 1. egfr-3 is required for neoblast repopulation.
(A) smedwi-1 WISH of uninjured wild type planarians exposed to sublethal irradiation (1,250 rads) at indicated days post irradiation (dpi). (B) Quantification of smedwi-1+ cells/mm2 following sublethal irradiation in wild type planarians. Each dot= one animal. Error bars= S.E.M. *, p<0.05; ***, p<0.001 compared to 3 dpi. (C) Experimental strategy to identify gene(s) (geneX) required for neoblast repopulation following sublethal irradiation. Red dots represent smedwi-1+ neoblasts. (D) Live egfr-3(RNAi) planarians display head regression at 14 dpi following 1,250 rad irradiation. (E) Histogram of number of control(RNAi) vs. egfr-3(RNAi) planarians with head regression or death at indicated times. (F) control(RNAi) and egfr-3(RNAi) planarians at 7 and 14 dpi stained for smedwi-1 FISH. (G) Quantification of smedwi-1+ cells/mm2 in egfr-3(RNAi) planarians. **, p<0.01 vs. control(RNAi). (H) control(RNAi) and egfr-3(RNAi) planarians at 7 dpi and 14 dpi immunostained with anti-H3P antibody. (I) Quantification of H3P+ cells/mm2 in sublethally-irradiated egfr-3(RNAi) planarians. (J) Unirradiated control(RNAi) and egfr-3(RNAi) planarians stained for smedwi-1 FISH. (K) Unirradiated control(RNAi) and egfr-3(RNAi) planarians immunostained with anti-H3P antibody. (L) Quantification of H3P+ cells/mm2 in unirradiated egfr-3(RNAi) planarians compared to controls. Scale bars= 200 μm (A, D), 500 μm (F, H, J, K). See also Figures S1-S2.