Types of Pharmacogenetic Implementations |
Clinical only (n = 2 sites)
Research only (n = 3 sites)
Clinical and research (n = 2 sites)
Triggers Prompting Pharmacogenetic Test Orders*
Reactive in select patients (e.g., a relevant drug or procedure is ordered for the patient)
Preemptive in select patients (e.g., ordered for all patients presenting to a select clinical setting regardless of relevant drug use)
Preemptive in all patients (e.g., ordered for all patients presenting to the healthcare system regardless of relevant drug use)
Neither reactive nor preemptive (e.g., if test results were already available from a previous test, then they were used to guide therapy)
Target Patient Populations |
Numerous (e.g., all patients [adults and children], drug-specific, disease-specific, high-risk ethnic groups [patients of Asian ancestry with an order for carbamazepine], etc.)
Clinical Settings |
Numerous (e.g., inpatient and outpatient, cardiac catheterization lab, primary care, family medicine, internal medicine, cardiology, endocrinology, pediatric and adult gastroenterology, pediatric oncology, pediatric HIV, pediatric hematology, neurology, rheumatology, psychiatry, etc.)
Modes of Pharmacogenetic Test Order Entry |
Roles of Ordering Providers |
Physician only (n = 1 site)
Research study physician only (n = 2 sites)
Physician or nurse practitioner (n = 2 sites)
Physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or pharmacist (n = 1 site)
Any provider with ordering authority (n = 1 site)
Options for Ordering Pharmacogenetic Test Prior to Drug Order*
Types of Alerts Prompting Pharmacogenetic Test Order or Notification of Pharmacogenetic Test Results*
Active (i.e., alert and/or specific message sent)
Passive (i.e., no alert or specific message sent; the test order or test result was available on demand)
Active + passive
Persons Receiving Results*
Provider only
Provider + patient
Total Number of Patients Tested |
Percentage of Therapy Changes in Response to an Actionable Result†
Genotyping Platforms |
Numerous (e.g., Affymetrix DMET™ Plus, Illumina VeraCode® ADME Core Panel, Sequenom iPLEX® ADME pharmacogenetic Panel, Life Technologies QuantStudio™ 12K Flex, GenMark Dx®, Life Technologies ViiA™ 7, polymerase chain reaction with allele-specific primer extension, customized arrays, etc.)
Genotyping Location*
Genotype Call Rates |
Estimated Turn-Around-Time‡