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. 2017 Jul 5;37(27):6423–6441. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2732-16.2017

Table 3.

Control network regions showing a significant pattern of brain/behavior correlations as revealed by the first latent variable of the PLS analysisa

Anatomical description No. of voxels MNI coordinates (mm)
BSR p value R-Intrusion proportion R-Affect suppression
x y z
Negative scenes
    Left superior frontal medial gyrus 1865 2 24 44 9.42 0.0000000 −0.7822 0.5294
    Right insula/inferior frontal gyrus 1072 28 24 0 6.95 0.0000000 −0.6010 0.5700
    Left insula/inferior frontal gyrus 520 −32 18 −2 5.40 0.0000000 −0.5193 0.4027
    Right inferior parietal cortex 182 52 −54 46 4.82 0.0000007 −0.6991 0.3424
    Right middle frontal gyrus (anterior) 215 38 50 8 4.67 0.0000015 −0.5491 0.4638
    Right middle frontal gyrus (posterior) 143 40 24 42 4.08 0.0000228 −0.5648 0.2996
    Left middle frontal gyrus 10 −34 50 4 2.99 0.0013989 −0.4767 0.2461
    Right superior frontal gyrus 29 22 56 24 2.40 0.0082399 −0.3670 0.4384
    Right middle frontal gyrus 67 32 36 46 −4.27 0.0000099 0.4337 −0.4310
    Right precentral gyrus 108 50 −4 50 −4.16 0.0000157 0.6450 −0.5005
    Right rolandic operculum 52 56 6 2 −3.59 0.0001665 0.4331 −0.4357
    Right supplemental motor area 27 8 −2 58 −3.12 0.0009183 0.4253 −0.4943
    Right superior temporal gyrus 67 54 −40 22 −3.06 0.0010909 0.3099 −0.4957
    Right middle temporal gyrus 23 48 −22 −8 −2.52 0.0059107 0.2889 −0.4060
Neutral scenes
    Right dorsal portion of the anterior cingulate cortex 2465 6 28 34 10.2 0.0000000 −0.6823 −0.2088
    Right insula/inferior frontal gyrus 1099 34 20 −14 10.1 0.0000000 −0.6789 −0.1806
    Right middle frontal gyrus (posterior) 444 38 24 36 7.39 0.0000000 −0.5318 −0.1780
    Left insula/inferior frontal gyrus 906 −30 18 −16 5.80 0.0000000 −0.5960 −0.0471
    Right middle frontal gyrus (anterior) 611 40 54 4 5.77 0.0000000 −0.5453 −0.2580
    Right angular gyrus 335 48 −58 40 4.59 0.0000023 −0.6438 −0.0113
    Left middle frontal gyrus 129 −38 26 34 3.95 0.0000393 −0.4905 −0.2614
    Right superior frontal gyrus 17 18 56 −8 3.38 0.0003675 −0.4326 0.0491
    Right superior frontal gyrus 17 18 6 56 3.11 0.0009341 −0.2907 −0.1668
    Left supramarginal gyrus 131 −60 −54 30 3.03 0.0012034 −0.4391 0.1107
    Right striatum 23 16 12 0 2.86 0.0020956 −0.3100 −0.1602
    Left superior frontal gyrus 11 −26 54 16 2.57 0.0050181 −0.3600 0.0185
    Right middle temporal gyrus 13 60 −32 −8 2.47 0.0066930 −0.4098 0.0604
    Right precentral gyrus 44 46 −6 48 −2.85 0.0021916 0.5611 −0.2745
    Right superior temporal gyrus 20 50 −26 −4 −2.47 0.0067875 0.4536 −0.2466
    Right supramarginal gyrus 13 56 −36 30 −2.39 0.0083475 0.4167 −0.1571
    Right superior temporal gyrus 17 56 −44 18 −2.31 0.0105426 0.4501 −0.2108

aPeak coordinates of the control regions significantly loading on the first LV. Rightmost columns indicate the correlation between cluster upregulation (Intrusion vs Non-Intrusion) and intrusion proportion/affect suppression score.