Figure 1.
Functional connectivity of six right hemisphere striatal seeds. Pattern of significantly positive relationships for VSs, VSi, DC, DCP, DRP, and VRP in which the MNI coordinates were centered at x = 9, y = 9, z = −8; x = 10, y = 15, z = 0; x = 13, y = 15, z = 9; x = 28, y = 1, z = 3; x = 25, y = 8, z = 6; and x = 20, y = 12, z = −3, respectively, from top to bottom in the normal controls and in the patient with Parkinson’s disease (P < 0.001, FWE corrected). The patterns of functional connectivity of the six striatal seeds were bilaterally similar. Therefore, the pattern of the right hemisphere is represented. Abbreviations: VSi, ventral caudate/nucleus accumbens (inferior); VSs, ventral caudate (superior); DC, dorsal caudate; DCP, dorsal caudal putamen; DRP, dorsal rostral putamen; VRP, ventral rostral putamen.