FIG. 2.
IFNγ- and HIV-1-induced macrophage-priming phenotype. (A) A panel of 17 macrophage activation genes was measured by RT-qPCR and fold change over unactivated MDM (medium only) was used to perform hierarchical clustering between the treatment groups. (B) Gene expression was compared between HIV-1-induced and IFNγ-induced MDM priming. The solid line represents the linear regression of all genes (r = .679, P = .003). Gene expression was compared between MDM (C) activated with LPS alone (2 h) and MDM primed with IFNγ and then activated with LPS (2 h) or (D) activated with LPS alone (2 h) and MDM infected with 500 TCID50 HIV-1AD8 and then activated with LPS (2 h). The red circles indicate genes modified in a similar direction (up or down) by both IFNγ and HIV-1 compared with LPS alone. The blue circles indicate genes enhanced by IFNγ, but suppressed or unaffected (ND, no difference) by HIV-1 infection compared with LPS alone. The fold change for each gene in comparison with LPS alone is indicated in parentheses. Experiment was conducted in three donors. RT-qPCR, reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction; TCID50, tissue culture infectious dose 50%. Color images available online at