Figure 1. The S. Typhimurium effector protein SipA modulates the expression of P-gp by an extracellular effect.
Western blot analysis showing P-gp expression in whole-cell lysates of HCT8 intestinal epithelial cell monolayers exposed to wild-type (WT) S. Typhimurium SL1344, SL1344 type III secretion system mutants, or wild-type SL1344-derived secreted protein extracts. GAPDH probing served as a loading control. Densitometries were analysed by ImageJ and presented as relative to the untreated cells; data represent the mean± s.d. of three independent experiments. (a) HCT8 intestinal epithelial cell monolayers were left untreated (−) or infected with WT SL1344 or SL1344 type III secretion system translocon mutant strains (ΔsipB or ΔsipC) for 5 h. (NS, not significant (Student’s t-test). (b) HCT8 cells were infected with wild type SL1344 or an SL1344 SPI-1-deficient mutant strain, or exposed to WT SL1344-derived secreted protein extracts for 5 h, and then probed as in a. P=0.0164 (Student’s t-test); significantly different compared with negative controls. (c) HCT8 cells were infected with WT SL1344, SL1344ΔsopA or ΔsipA, or SL1344ΔSipA complemented with a vector expressing SipA (ΔSipA/pSipA) for 5 h, and then probed as in a. *P=0.0007 (Student’s t-test).