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. 2017 Feb 4;77(2):70. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-4624-0

Table 8.

Data yields, signal and post-fit OS–SS background predictions (see Eq. (1)) for the Zμτhad 80 GeV<mμτMMC<115 GeV region. The signal predictions are given assuming Br(Zμτ) = 10-5. The background predictions are obtained from the combined fit to SR1, SR2, WCR and TCR. To calculate these quantities for SR1 and SR2, the signal strengths are decorrelated in the signal regions and set to zero in the control regions. The post-fit values of systematic uncertainties are provided for the background predictions. For the total background, all correlations between various sources of systematic uncertainties and backgrounds are taken into account. The quoted uncertainties represent the statistical (first) and systematic (second) uncertainties, respectively

Signal 86 ±2 ±22 56 ±2 ±18
Zττ 3260 ±30 ±60 7060 ±40 ±150
W+jets 1350 ±70 ±110 590 ±50 ±70
Same-Sign events 1110 ±40 ±100 930 ±30 ±90
VV+Zμμ 410 ±60 ±50 240 ±60 ±60
Hττ 25.1 ± 0.5 ±3.0 41 ± 1 ±5
Top 22 ±4 ±4 15 ±4 ±4
Total background 6170 ±100 ±100 8880 ±100 ±140
Data 6134 8982