gld-2(q540) largely phenocopies the genetic null allele of gld-2. (A) Cartoon of the adult hermaphroditic syncytial germline tissue. Circles represent nuclei, T-structures are partial membranes. Important female germ cell stages are indicated; distal is top left, the position of sperm marks the most proximal end of the gonad. Color marked regions were analyzed in this work. (B) Analysis of the size of the proliferative region. Germ cell rows before meiotic entry were counted in the different genetic backgrounds as judged by DAPI staining. Significance was calculated by a two-tailed Student's t-test. (***) P ≤ 0.001. (C) Percentage of germlines that positively stain for diakinetic DNA in the proximal part, assessed by DAPI staining. (D–G) DAPI (purple in merge) staining of the indicated genetic backgrounds. NPC (green in merge), nuclear pore complex. Scale bar: (G) 15 µm, (blow-up) 5 µm.