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. 2016 Apr 20;6(11):3443–3460. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2094

Table 4.

Historical migration rates calculated by MIGRATE between species of Micromeria. Results are presented in average number of individuals per generation; values correspond to migration rates from the species in the left to the species on top; values for migration within taxa are highlighted in gray; values above 10 migrants per generation are presented in bold; values for 95% confidence intervals are in parentheses

Sorce/Sinck M. densiflora M. glomerata M. hyssopifolia M. lachnophylla M. lasiophylla M. rivas‐martinezii M. teneriffae M. varia Anaga M. varia Teno
M. densiflora 6.56 (0–23.33) 4.56 (0–21.33) 7.17 (0–24) 8.97 (0–25.33) 13.55 (029.33) 3.42 (0–20) 4.21 (0–20.67) 3.95 (0–20.67)
M. glomerata 5.36 (0–22) 4.06 (0–20.67) 2.57 (0–18.67) 6.27 (0–23.33) 10.61 (026.67) 10.46 (026.67) 4.07 (0–20.67) 9.42 (0–26.67)
M. hyssopifolia 10.74 (026.67) 1.41 (0–18) 19.06 (1.3336.67) 8.88 (0–27.33) 14.9 (030.67) 3.62 (0–21.33) 17.66 (0.6734.67) 13.11 (029.33)
M. lachnophylla 4.53 (0–21.33) 5.79 (0–22.67) 6.09 (0–22.67) 14.91 (030.67) 5.86 (0–22) 10.89 (026.67) 7.84 (0–24) 6.21 (0–22.67)
M. lasiophylla 8.17 (0–24.67) 5.23 (0–22) 5.85 (0–22) 5.97 (0–22.67) 9.14 (0–25.33) 5.9 (0–22.67) 10.96 (026.67) 4.89 (0–21.33)
M. rivas‐martinezii 6.07 (0–22.67) 3.13 (0–19.33) 4.75 (0–21.33) 8.75 (0–24.67) 4.78 (0–21.33) 5.8 (0–22.67) 5.67 (0–22) 6.96 (0–23.33)
M. teneriffae 7.48 (0–24) 3.82 (0–20.67) 9.36 (0–25.33) 3.86 (0–20) 10.19 (026.67) 10.08 (026.67) 9.99 (0–26) 4.4 (0–21.33)
M. varia Anaga 7.19 (0–24) 3.65 (0–20) 10.72 (026.67) 9.14 (0–25.33) 7.94 (0–24.67) 10.38 (026.67) 10.5 (026.67) 9.55 (0–26)
M. varia Teno 11.75 (027.33) 3.8 (0–20) 12.64 (028) 6.49 (0–23.33) 4.45 (0–21.33) 13.77 (029.33) 9.23 (0–25.33) 8.25 (0–24.67)